10 Facts About CoolLife

19 October 2021

Tess Weaver

Studies show that the single most effective way for people to reduce their energy usage is to simply adjust their thermostats. In summer, this means not cranking the AC to keep the ambient air in your house at a perfect 72 degrees.

What if there was a textile that could help you not only feel more comfortable, but also actively cool your skin in warm air?

LifeLabs' CoolLife technology was designed to do just that. Using a unique yarn made of Polyethelene, LifeLabs clothes allow heat radiating off of your body to pass directly through the material, keeping you cooler and allowing you to use less energy.

Here are 10 facts about LifeLabs Designs CoolLife garments:

1. CoolLife is the world’s first thermally transparent fabric.

2. CoolLife continuously moves your body heat away from your skin, keeping you 1.1C/1.9F cooler.

3. Unlike conventional apparel, CoolLife fabric allows 100% of body heat radiation to escape.

4. CoolLife is 70% cooler than organic cotton, with half the environmental impact.

5. It has among the highest thermal conductivity of apparel fabric, so it moves heat away from your body rapidly (the fabric even feels cool to the touch).

6. LifeLabs Cool Life T creates a continuously cooling effect unlike any other top in the world.

7. CoolLife uses the only yarn-based textile derived from Polyethylene (PE)—an infrared transparent material.

8. PE is the lowest-rated material on the Materials Sustainability Index globally, meaning its environmental impact is minimal.

9. Compared to Nike DriFIT, CoolLife creates a 53% better instant cool touch (based on Qmax) and 7% better continuous cooling (based on thermal mannequin).

10. CoolLife, as a patented technology, is a product of six years of scientific research and development.